For God's sake, I had a wedding party to attend to at eleven in the morning.
But thank God. I made it. After barely two hours of snooze.

And thank God too, it was also the most casual wedding party I had ever to attend.
No need to wake up two hours earlier to dress up and travel from point A to B. Heck, I was there in two minutes. In my PJs.
Out of respect for the newly-weds, I did put on my shorts though.
Thank God for the newly formed matrimony, after all the dramafest in the last two years.
Thank God, too, for technology that allows live transmission of worldly events with just a machine and a click of some buttons.
Most of all, thank God for this wonderful little plaything known as the Mac.

This is the second time Mom has witnessed the same child.
I hope she's not wondering if she'll ever get to witness the other.
Sorry, Ma.
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