Monday, December 03, 2007


Picture this scenario, all ye Singaporean doods.

It’s one of ‘em damn damp days in otherwise still-bledy hot Singapore.

Surprise, surprise. You get an itsy bitsy mossie bite on your leg/thigh/arm/wherever.

You decide to act hero and leave it alone, knowing you can tahan the temptation.

Then, one more pops up on your leg/thigh/arm/wherever.

And then, another. And soon enough, the synergistic itchy effect drives you so crazy you can’t even keep proper count of the dots all over your limbs.

And then, you lose it. The willpower.

You start picking at one itsy bitsy one first.

Then you start feeling itchy elsewhere, so you pick on the second one. Until you decide you feel itchy all over, and you revisit Mossie Bite #1 again.

With more furious scratching. Very determined to stop the itch once and for all.

But Mossies’ Law decrees that, an itch begets more itch. That is, if you cannot resist the temptation in the first place.

From an originally itsy bitsy prick on the surface of your skin (which could have eventually disappeared on its own accord, leaving your skin flawless like it once was), it turns swollen and red and eventually it becomes a raw open wound.

And then you start to bleed. But not before you start feeling tiny stings of pain of your raw skin exposed to the evilness of the air.

And then, patches of ba gua form and scars eventually linger.

As man fails to resist temptation, an itch not only begets more itch; it ends up as a painful scar.

I suppose Hongkies would never quite understand the pain Singies go through.

I arrived in summer, got though supposed fall and am now shivering at times in winter.

I never got one single problem with mossie bites. Yes, I did keep note.

Still, it doesn’t mean I never got itchy here in Hong Kong.

There’s something called “backside itchiness” also. Not necessarily mossie bite-induced.

Then, there’s something known as “wallet itchiness”.. Definitely not mossie bite-induced.

I always get backside itchiness, I can’t control it so I’m learning to live with it. Wallet itchiness though, I don’t get usually. Or rather, I usually have better resistance toward it.

But just like the itsy bitsy mossie bite that nips at your skin, wallet itchiness nags at you but one day, becomes so overwhelming you can’t resist it no more.

And then, just like a dog scratching furiously at its ear, you start taking out your wallet furiously.

The one-item shopping list becomes just a farce. In fact, it becomes that mossie that causes you to start scratching unnecessarily like a monkey in the first place.


I am so bleeding right now.

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