Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Four Birthdays And A Funeral

And many, many sleepless nights.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my eternal love and gratitude to my Sasy chick who opened my now-panda-like eyes to the beautiful world of... k-dramas.

Yes, Korean dramas. Those sappy-soppy weepy dramas with too-good-to-be-real male-lover specimens who will love you to their literal deaths (or yours too, for that matter). Awww.

I've made quite a feat myself as well. Five dramas in just two weeks - complete to the very last weepy-teary episode. I know.

I think I am going up the road called Crazy again. Or, perhaps this time I should take a turn up Delusional instead.

Sometimes, I really doubt myself, my existence.

I no longer know the planet where I come from. I recognize the planet where I live in, but I don't know the one where I come from.

I've made a startling discovery of late.

That the last weeks of September turning into early October are indeed calamitous.

Four birthdays (read: four crazy nights) have already gone by. Two more to go, one of which belongs to the Crazy Delusional One. =/

Don't know why. Just can't find myself to smile.

The party starts today. Or maybe only today.

I am so gonna torture the chicks with an all-Jay concert at Party World. I don't care.

It's my party, and I'll sing Jay if I want to.

And then... the bottles will hit me. And maybe the mambo bug will bite too. Whatever. I have only one last year in the damned twenties.

I remember, in a past not too long ago, I used to be Queen this time of the year.

And suddenly, I remember too, in a past very long ago, I was Baby Cheng 365 days of the year.

How more delusional can life get?

At some point in time, you can be something to someone, anything to anyone, everything to everyone. But at the end of it all, you realize you can only be one thing, and only to yourself.

And nothing else really matters.


I can feel the wires tangling up in the brains.

I think I need to get back to the k-dramas.

Pardon the silence, if there's any. I think I might have forgotten how to write.

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