Monday, October 16, 2006


Is there anything in this world possibly more painful than heartache?

Probably 推拿, yes.

Well, for one, both made me tear. So far-ar-ar-king painful, I actually teared on the stringy towel draped over the massage bed that has threatened an outbreak of 1,000 blemishes on my face.

I can only thank the damned k-dramas and my bunk-in little man for the pain that led to the ultimate pain.

The funny, and unexpectedly sweet, thing about 推拿 is that after the few moments of intense pain comes a relaxing sooth that surges over your entire body. From the neck all the way down to the legs.

I grit my teeth, I let loose a few tears, and then I feel a brand-new me.

After the initial cussing, my fifty bucks were well-spent after all. I deserved the pain, and I sure deserve the pleasure afterward. I think I am beginning to fall in love with 推拿.

Should I then apply the same logic to heartache? Should I assume pain in any instance only brings on happiness thereafter?

If only love could be bought. With a mere fifty bucks.


In times like this, I always get reminded of how fortunate I am to have friends like the ones I have.

19:21:26 ME Inc.: is it a good monday for u babe?
19:31:03 delilah: hi there
19:31:08 delilah: its ok, how was it for you?
19:31:40 ME Inc.: terrible... i was so tired with a bad back/shoulder/neck
19:31:55 ME Inc.: my nephew has been sleeping on my bed for the past couple of days thats y
19:32:03 ME Inc.: just went for a tui na session that killed me
19:39:01 delilah: oh no
19:39:03 delilah: you come my house sleep
19:39:06 delilah: i got extra bed
19:39:07 ME Inc.: eh?
19:39:09 ME Inc.: oh
19:39:13 ME Inc.: sigh
19:39:16 delilah: really
19:39:32 ME Inc.: maybe i need to invest in a good pillow, no?
19:39:32 delilah: oh you wan sleep my bed, I sleep my sister's. she damn long no come home wan
19:39:48 ME Inc.: =) thanks babe...

And it reminded me. This wasn't the first offer of a bed to me.

Dude, thanks. I remember.

I give umbrella. You give bed. =)

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