Friday, February 15, 2008


It has been a rather consuming trip. Just a short few days but it always feels shit when the traveling drains you out more than the trip itself.

It is of no secret to the entire world (apparently) that it was my virgin trip to the Delhi. Or, for that matter, to India.

So, rather expectedly, the Question of the Trip had been (and I tend to think it's a very Indian thing 'cos no other nationality has ever bombarded me with the same question ever): "So, what's your first thought about India?"

Which is actually fine by me. A rather doable question. 'Cos I do have quite varied thoughts aplenty about the land where "whatever is true, the reverse is true as well".

If I could actually allow my thoughts to run and ramble, India is a wonderful land where...

The streets have no lanes...

The people obviously give no damn about road signs...

The nice folks stuff you up with roll after roll of the awesomest chicken kebabs, only to tell you an hour later they are just starters...

My favorite eggs are peddled off carts along the dusty roads...

It has successfully reigned as the only place ever that could make me sneeze nonstop for three consecutive days, even while lying on my bed in the freakin' 460-US-bucks-a-night hotel room...

'Manual labor' literally means 'manual'...

There is probably the most wide-ranging forms of vehicles on the roads...

"Lean" equals "mean" so cars have no second side mirrors...

It manages to tickle some of my fondest memories of Bangkok...

Kids (are still allowed to) have fun with window displays...

"Bhangras" rule...

Sleeping cows still lie...

Poverty still persists...

The one that feeds me my eggs is actually, really the king...

Good buddies gather nonetheless...

Oh, and there are those ubiquitous blackouts, for which it would've been rather dumb to put up a black box.

Dusty as it may be, noisy as it may be, crazy-chaotic as it may be, I think I wanna go back to India.

Just because I have been so fuckin' deprived of all the food.

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