I have never felt this much pain. I have never looked this helpless, cringing under the blanket in tears, rolling around in bed for hours. I never had pain have me lose sleep this bad. I have never had the feeling of wanting to just kill myself this bad.
I have never cried this much, this bad over a bad tooth.
Or, was it?
I just know I am so tired now. My eyes are so tired now. Inside out, I am so tired now.
I have brought work home again for the weekend, for nothing.
I really can't bear to look at those boxes in the excel sheets now.
Only five more weeks to go. To what, I don't really know.
But we always look forward to the end of the year, to the start of another, don't we?
Even if it's just for some pure faint hope.
I'm just looking forward to the next five weeks. Maybe just four. Or, maybe it's just three.
There are places to go, passport stamps to collect. Old favorites, new cities. There's somewhere I've always been wanting to go, never had the chance to go, but I have just decided I am going to go anyhow.
And then, of course... there's home awaiting.
Screw the kiam cai policy. There's always January.
I just want to disappear.
Let me act the fag box here.
Always, always remember to brush twice a day, visit your friendly (and very rich) dentist twice a year, and floss floss floss.

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