Thursday, November 22, 2007


If you were me, wouldn't you feel a little cheated too when you had spent more than fifteen minutes waiting for your chicken drumstick to be cooked, and then less than two minutes cleaning it to the bone?


So far, I have run pretty much.  Cooked a little.   Read very little.  Stoned a lot.  Chilled a lot too.  Ironed none, 'cept for the wrinkled tee shirt I had insisted on wearing today.  Mopped only that bit of the floor where I've dripped some detergent upon.

I have done two lunch-ins.  Three sandwiches.  One sushi roll.  One chicken drumstick that seemed to have shrunk upon steaming.  One lousy omelette.  Half a bottle of red.  Mouthfuls of grapes.  Endless packets of addictive wang wang biscuits.  Two cartons of soya milk.  Didn't really eat a lot.

And I haven't been able to get out by six.

Oh, but I have watched six episodes of probably the only Taiwanese serial that has ever impressed me.

The sink's still mucked up.  The hot water's fooling around with me.

I had my blood boil.  And I had my heart wince.

So I suppose I still don't feel quite normal yet.

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