Tuesday, January 25, 2005


I was just going through my entire photo library (digital, of course) in my hard drive while trying to find something appropriate to upload into some web site. And I liked what I saw. Quite unknown to myself, I've actually captured many a beautiful memory of friends, loved ones and the various places I've had the good fortune to visit, and built up a very valuable collection of shots I'm proud to show off.

*When I return this bledy piece of computering device to my company, I'd better make sure I transfer this entire precious library to my new computer (which I know I'll get soon).*

Photography has in recent times become a passion for me, even though I'm equipped with just a simple digicam, albeit a pretty good one. It may be big and bulky, something which most people balk at but it was the best and most expensive one when I bought it almost two years ago. And I realize the faithful camera has produced pictures that turned out beautiful on print, so I love it.

What sparked the interest? A close friend, one-time colleague, of mine. He quit his job to become a freelance photog, simply because he felt it was time to move on (though he couldn't bear to leave the company) and pursue something of interest. Inspirational because mind you, he's no swinging bachelor with no worries or cares in this world. He's a blissfully married guy with two very lovely young boys and an even lovelier wife. To leave a "stable" job for something unpredictable while having to pay bills, keep a house together for the family, feed them, clothe them, you have to have a lot of courage, faith and confidence(and a lot of money too, haha). To top it all off, the wife does not even work full-time because she wants to spend more quality time with her boys. Her boys, in my opinion, are one of the best brought-up kids I've seen in my entire life, thanks to the wonderful parents that they have, who deem quality time spent raising their own kids as the most important thing they could offer as parents.

So he taught me life, love and photography. And I learn photography can capture the first two. When I was younger, I used to hate taking landscape and scenic shots cos I thought they were just a waste of "film" (then, we only used film) - I thought all pictures must have got a human figure in it, because that's what photography is all about: "take picture for someone". Now, I like to take mostly shots of beautiful scenery and mother nature, and of groups of friends together. And I believe, when well captured, these kind of pictures exude life and love.

And if I take good enough pictures (when I buy my EOS), maybe I'm a step closer to being a travel writer.. haha

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