Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Foot note

i'm so excited now cos i'm trying something new tonite . i'm giving the man a 'surprise' footbath followed by a relaxing foot massage. well, it's not exactly something new cos i do give him the occasional foot rub (whenever he asks for it... sigh). but i feel bad cos i think i've never given him a proper good one. it's time i do something impressive huh.

so what's exciting really is the researching and learning bit. been scouring the net the whole day, and even bought a book from borders (on sale, tat's why), to learn the ingredients that go into a footbath and the proper techniques for massage. i dun wanna cripple him, u see.

and most of all, i'm happy i found something new to try to learn and excel in, something i've not felt for a while. it keeps my mind occuppied for just that little bit at least. and even more, i hope this little bit of effort and newness keeps something alive between us.

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