Monday, June 08, 2009


Courtesy of my Pi-chick...

*Pi-chick* says: i have to tell you something that;s quite funny..

*Pi-chick* says: sent 08/06/2009 8:34 AM:
*Pi-chick* said (Yesterday at 12:19 PM):
I just have to let you know, I actually ordered those acai berry pills that I heard about on oprah and in messages on here, well I been on them for two weeks and lost 21 pounds so far, so I am living proof that they really do work, they are only five dollars over at

*Pi-chick* says: sent 08/06/2009 8:35 AM:
girl, are you taking this, better stop

*Pi-chick* says: there was this spam emial
*Pi-chick* says: and my mum actually thot i was on pills

And the perils of having your mom on msn.


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