9:06 in the morning.
Boot up the machine. Greet the boss and the new chick at work. Check the mailbox. Stifle a yawn. Take a sip of the burning coffee.
9:16, log in the chat. And I see my favorite boy, as usual, beaming at me cheekily with a nick I just can't resist:
Wet Wet Wet...Very tempted to say 'WT*' now, but that's another story altogether.
So anyhow... the morning gig got underway immediately.
ME Inc. says: i feel it in my fingers
ME Inc. says: i feel it in my toes
HS says: yeeeaaahhhh
HS says: iiittttts written in the wiinnnnddd ooohhhhhh
ME Inc. says: it's everywhere i goooo
HS says: ooooooooo yeaayaaaahhhhh oooooo
HS says: so if you really love me (love me) comme onnn and let it showwww
HS says: man...we are seriously bored with living...
ME Inc. says: you know i love yooou, i always wiiiill
HS says: my minds made up.............
ME Inc. says: by the way that I feeel
HS says: theres no beginning there'll be no end
ME Inc. says: cos on my luurrve, you can deeepeeeeennnnd
HS says: yyaaaaahhhhhhhhhh oooooo gottaa keep in moviinnggg
ME Inc. says: oooooooooooooooooooooh
ME Inc. says: it's written in the wiiiinnd oorrrhhh
ME Inc. says: it's everywhere i go.. OOH!
HS says: so if you really love me love me love me cooommmee on and let it shooowwwwww
ME Inc. says: (er...)
ME Inc. says: come on and let it show
ME Inc. says: come on and let it show
ME Inc. says: come on and let it show
ME Inc. says: (background singer)
HS says: end song
ME Inc. says: *clapclapclapclapclap*
HS says: encore encore encore
ME Inc. says: awesome... thanks for waking me up
HS says: no prob. tom.....let's see. George Michael?
HS says: Blind Melon?
HS says: how about sweat a la la la long?
ME Inc. says: that one very hard to sing
HS says: imagine if we did SNow
HS says: Informer!!!
ME Inc. says: er... i only know how to spell "INFORMER" in the entire song
HS says: yah man
HS says: va no shkdkdasdlksajdalks bleah
ME Inc. says: INFORMER
ME Inc. says: (and that's where i come in)
HS says: then its like I lick your bom bom there!!!
HS says: ok gross, no reggae
HS says: yah man. Ok got meeting now
HS says: We'll continue band practise tomorrow
ME Inc. says: ok... till tomorrow
ME Inc. says: we'll get ourselves a gig when i come home
HS says: alrighty, somewhere where the crowd is thin
ME Inc. says: that's easy
ME Inc. says: singaporeans aren't overweight
HS says: wth

First, there was the fried beansprouts with salted fish. And the sweet and sour pork. And that bowl of boiled soup - Mom's style, no less.
Then, the phone call back to the folks, while they were on their way to the Flyer for Pa's birthday dinner.
And now. All these crazy people.
I am missing Singers. Badly.
I need my
mee pok ta. Badly.